Archives for November 2013

Max Lucado’s “The Christmas Candle” Movie

EchoLight Studios  presents, The Christmas Candle, a timeless holiday film for the entire family. Based on a book by America’s most inspiring author Max Lucado, The Christmas Candle introduces the acting debut of British singing sensation Susan Boyle, alongside an ensemble cast of beloved Hollywood talent.  

The Art of Waiting

Waiting is a hard thing to do. It’s much easier to jump right in and be a “doer of the Word” as James instructs. Doing achieves a feeling of accomplishment, forward motion, activity. Conversely, waiting can feel like doing nothing at all. Waiting is an art to be cultivated and should be considered a worthwhile… [Read More]

How Great is our God

Awake From Dryness – poem

The grayness of a winter day Creative juices dry But streams of thought life flow again When sun rays hit the sky   Wait winter hasn’t moved in yet Why then should darkness loom Believing seasons grey and cold When fall is yet in bloom   When penning can become a care Void words no… [Read More]

My Halloween Cat

My Halloween Cat   You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13 (NIV) Autumn reminds me of my orange cat Garfield. Plump and furry, he blended into the leaf pile as if he belonged. He was a faithful companion, more like a dog than cat, he… [Read More]