The Trees Are Clapping

The trees are clapping. It is not a mistake. As I stroll the beautiful landscape of fall, their cheers are evident. So vibrant and robust that they are falling out of their seats! But why I ask? Why cheer? What has happened? Half of the country is revolting, half are breathing a sigh of relief. Both viewing the… [Read More]

A Tribute to Virginia Tech

Seven years ago I received a call from my son, a student at Virginia Tech. It was the year of the shooting. Thirty-two lives of promise were ended on one solemn day. It’s a day I will never forget. My heart and prayers continue for the families, students and faculty who lived through it. We… [Read More]

Strength, Courage and Wisdom

Strength, courage and wisdom. Some days it’s hard to find. I encountered a young woman at the library. Her eyes were sad, her spirit troubled. Problems were mounting and she couldn’t see a way out. I wasn’t sure if I should approach her, but I took the chance. I did it because I had known another… [Read More]