Speaking Topics

Event Speaker: Encouraging women through the Word 

~Retreats: One to Three Days 

~Teaching Sessions: Writer’s conferences, Speaker’s conferences, Leadership summits, Women’s Ministry teams, Church groups

~Chapel Speaker: Schools, Assisted living facilities, Recovery centers, Community centers, Senior programs

~Emcee: To Lead and/or Plan Your Event

TOPICS – Tailored to your group OR choose your own

Refresh Renew Restore –Three uplifting sessions will build your faith and renew your purpose. Come hear one woman’s story of hope. Learn how she remained steadfast through life’s challenging and tragic moments.

Soar In-Security – Enjoy an in-depth look at Psalm 91:1-4 coupled with Isaiah 40:31. Learn what it means to “dwell” with God and “rest” in His shadow, to enjoy His refuge and protection, while being aware of the “Fowler’s Snare.” Leave with the strength to Soar on wings like Eagles. YOU can Soar in complete security.

Consider The Birds – The beauty of God’s creation and complexity of birds teaches us valuable lessons. Discover amusing parallels that will cause you to consider the significance of your own actions. Learn to slow down, embrace moments, and meditate on Scripture. Includes strategies for your devotional time and journaling.

Finding Refreshment For The Servant’s Heart – Refresh your heart and renew your spirit … Jesus said; “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matt 11:29) Three Sessions: Refresh My Body, Renew My Mind, Restore My Spirit. One to three day  retreat.

Speak Up – Public speaking is the number one fear of many people. This class will teach a step-by-step approach for Speakers and Leaders. It includes appearance, style, the art of oration, topic prep, audience impact, venue, and more. From preparing the room to outlining your speech, you’ll learn to deliver a presentation with confidence.

Homiletics – Learn to study and present biblical topics with accuracy. Homiletics will teach you how to analyze, prepare, and organize your message. Whether you teach a small class, large group or share one on one, Homiletics helps to develop your Aim and Principles. This is a great tool for personal study. One you can pass on to help others share the Word with accuracy and confidence.

Conflict, Anxiety, Peace – Trials are inevitable. How we respond is key. Learn how to cope using God’s prescription for peace based on Philippians 4. In this class we’ll discuss conflicts, the divided mind, and peace hinderers. Satan’s tactics hold no power over God’s plan for our lives. What God has called us to, He will empower us through. Renew your mind.

Esther – “For Such a Time as This.” Beautiful inside and out, this book tells the compelling story of a common Jewess, who risked her life to save God’s  people. Learn how pampering, purpose, prayer, and promise played out in the life of a humble, young woman. Discover how you can apply these principles to your own story. Leave challenged to find your purpose “For such a time as this.” A great retreat with pampering possibilities. Four sessions – one to three day retreat.

Ruth – One of two books named after women in the Bible. Learn about faithfulness, goodness and love. This beautiful story may force you to see your mother-in-law differently. Learn how God loves and cares for you, providing your “kinsman redeemer” even today.

Habakkuk – A journey from doubt to trust. Why would God use evil people to judge the righteous? Learn how the prophet embraced God and His people and how you can trust through doubt and fear. What perplexes you?

Psalm 91 – Under the shelter of His wings, we are safe. The military uses Psalm 91 as a promise of protection. As Christians, we are also in a battle. Learn how to use the words of Psalm 91 to safeguard your walk and that of your family.

Psalms 23 – He is our Shepherd, and like sheep we have all gone astray. Lessons in forgiveness, healthy dependence, and tough love.

3-D – Diet, Discipline, Discipleship – Three hot topics touching the heart of our daily walk. Learn about nutrition—not dieting—, daily spiritual disciplines, and the heart of leading others. You will go away from this workshop with a cause. Three day retreat or single session.

Abandonment – Are you lonely, sad, insecure? Do you need a boost of supernatural proportions? Learn how the art of focus can help bless you and others. Why we need friends and how to be one. Building relationships takes time. Is the value worth the cost?

Masks – Dangers hide in plain sight. Yet, we are called to love our enemies. So how do we exercise vigilance in an evil age? By staying alert to masks and following the example of Christ. He encountered phony people and dealt directly with them. Learn about his ministry, authenticity, and passion. We will also discuss counterfeits, school/church shootings, stalkers, and the danger of wearing masks.

Connections – The catch word of recent years. We understand the importance of connections, but do we connect? This class touches on relationship building and hearing the voice of God. Learn to connect the dots.

Yes, I am a Princess and my Father is the King of Kings – We are royalty! Daughters of the King and joint heirs with Christ. So why are we so insecure? Learn about healthy body images, the media and their part, truth versus the lies we tell ourselves, plus … nutrition and activity guidelines. Leave challenged to see yourself in a different light. His light. Great retreat or single session.

Whatever! A study in Philippians. Do you have joy in your life? Can you think on things that are noble, pure and right? This topic will challenge you to improve your attitude and find contentment in your circumstances. Whatever?

Proof of Life: The Church – Is church attendance still relevant today? People are disconnecting from the body at alarming rates. Youth don’t see the need, pew sitters don’t engage, and many “do church” at home. Learn why it is important to gather your spiritual siblings and be a cheerleader of the faith. We’ll discuss conflict in the church and healthy resolutions.