Who Me? I’ve been on a glorious journey with the Lord. Years ago, God placed a desire on my heart to open a gathering place. At that time, I thought of a book store where people could have coffee and tea, hang out, read, and enjoy specialty programs. But, when Covid hit (and we became prisoners in our homes) the need to provide a place to meet pressed in even harder.
The verse that kept coming to mind, and that I lean on to this day, is Jeremiah 17:7, “Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.” The Lord did a mighty work in establishing Community Blend. Check out the website and you can read all about this new nonprofit. http://www.communityblend.org When you subscribe to the website you’ll automatically receive updates.
So who are we? A faith-based non-profit dedicated to community needs. We provide a cafe’ serving specialty coffee, artisan teas and goodies. We also have books and novelty items. The best part is that everything is free. The cafe’ is open for groups or individuals to hang out and read, work remotely, or gather with friends.
Another way we contribute to the community is to provide programs. We offer weekly groups and one time events. Though we accept donations, we welcome anyone to attend as our guest. We offer weekly: co-ed and women’s Bible studies, knit/crochet group, walking group, fitness time, and specialty programs to raise awareness, encourage and/or educate. We also offer a place to gather with groups and hold meetings.
Most significant to our nonprofit is the mission. We assist families or individuals with needs. So far we’ve helped by: providing medical equipment, home repair items, financial assistance, relocation needs, furniture, and clothing. Our long term goal is to provide assistance in the areas of Opioid and Pornography addictions.
Our hope is to look at circumstances through a fresh lens. So we welcome all people, whether their eyes are blue, brown or red. We are so grateful for second chances and want to share true hope with all who come to us.
How can you help? We cherish your prayers.
And remember. blessed is the person who places their trust in God. What man cannot imagine, God can easily accomplish. A year later, as I reflected on this verse, I came to love the following passage: Jeremiah 17:8 “They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”
Such a nice review of Blend. Thank you, Jewell, and keep trusting our Lord to guide and provide– as He has been.
Our God is an awesome God. We are privileged to serve in this creative way.