Words are important. They can reassure us when we begin to question our history. The founding principles of our nation and the beliefs held by those in authority would be lost, but for the legacy of words. Popular opinion today would tell a far different story than history reveals. It would boast of a nation… [Read More]
Archives for December 2013
The Snowflake
I look upon the falling snow Each tender flake unique Together they can make a scene As bright as winter’s peak ~~~ Alone they simply melt away No fluff they leave behind To gather up a snowball fight Or make a snowman shine ~~~ Each reminds me of our lives Unique in every way We… [Read More]
And He Shall Reign Forever
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light… Isaiah 9:2 (ESV) To fully understand the story of Christmas, we have to understand the historical setting depicted in Isaiah 9. It was a time of deep darkness, a time of violence, domination and oppression; a time referred to as Pax Romana–the peace of… [Read More]
The Box That Brought Christmas Hope
The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40 Break my heart for what breaks yours . . .The haunting tune and lyrics by Hillsong played in my mind as I watched the empty eyes, void… [Read More]
Christmas is upon us. A time to stop and savor every moment. Cherished family, faithful friends, good food and the gift of Christ. For many people, December ends a year of fast paced activities, and Christmas Day becomes a time of stressful endurance. Although Christ was not actually born on December 25th, we choose to… [Read More]