Archives for January 2014

A Generous Gift

Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 1Timothy 6:18 Grocery shopping is an adventure I can do without. I feel like a hunter gathering in the jungles of our community. My complaints range from rude people crashing into me, to carts parked in the… [Read More]

Listen Don’t Think

I like Judge Judy…for the most part. Her candor is sometimes too harsh for my taste, but I like the fact she stands up for truth and justice. She calls herself a truth detector and often will remark “God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason.” The truth of that statement is… [Read More]

Awake My Soul And Sing

What if all you had today was what you were thankful for yesterday? Would your world be chock-full or left wanting? The New Year ushers in motivation unlike any other time. Renewed purpose and vision incite us to make change.  Inspired by this energy, the average resolve still wanes by the middle of March. Especially… [Read More]