Archives for April 2014


We refuse to wear masks and play games. 2Cor 4:2 (MSG)  The Virginia Tech mascot is a turkey affectionately referred to as the “Hokie” bird. One souvenir is a stuffed animal with a secret.  After careful inspection, his secret may still remain undiscovered. The head of the turkey, if pulled back firmly, is really a clever mask. It’s a… [Read More]

A Tribute to Virginia Tech

Seven years ago I received a call from my son, a student at Virginia Tech. It was the year of the shooting. Thirty-two lives of promise were ended on one solemn day. It’s a day I will never forget. My heart and prayers continue for the families, students and faculty who lived through it. We… [Read More]

The Eye Of The Storm

The eye is a very sensitive organ. The smallest of particles can be detected when they invade. From a speck of mascara to an eyelash, anything that doesn’t belong causes irritation and requires immediate attention. Chronic issues, such as dry eyes or allergies can be managed daily. But even those need special attention to prevent… [Read More]