August Meditations

The month of August usually highlights the end of relaxed summer days for the return to a more ordered schedule. But this year is different. The Covid virus ushered in an age of uncertainty and perhaps lasting change. History has never seen the challenges we face today. Shut in for five months and counting, businesses… [Read More]

Why Should I Read the Bible?

In an age of endless self-help resources, why would anyone consider reading the Bible?  Because we are in day 60 of a national lock-down, and we have a golden opportunity to research the most important questions of life. What is truth? Where did we come from? Why are we here? What happens when we die?… [Read More]

One Son Shines For Us All

I walked through a town filled with people of alternate lifestyles. My initial surprise at this blatant disregard for society’s norm compromised my good graces. As I engaged people in light conversation, something odd began to stir in my spirit. I liked them. They were real people, creations of my God. I yearned for them to experience the… [Read More]