Archives for November 2016

He Shall Reign Forever – A Christmas Story

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light… Isaiah 9:2 (ESV) To fully understand the story of Christmas, we have to understand the historical setting depicted in Isaiah 9. It was a time of deep darkness. An age of violence, domination and oppression. A time referred to as Pax Romana–the peace of… [Read More]

Whispers Of Hope

Waiting is hard. Especially when we know God has called us to a special purpose.  Yet time and logistics conspire to rob His cause from our lives. Rather than allow this period to usher in doubt, use it to listen. For God has Whispers of Hope, love, and promise meant just for us. Looking ahead to plan and prepare are good…. [Read More]

The Trees Are Clapping

The trees are clapping. It is not a mistake. As I stroll the beautiful landscape of fall, their cheers are evident. So vibrant and robust that they are falling out of their seats! But why I ask? Why cheer? What has happened? Half of the country is revolting, half are breathing a sigh of relief. Both viewing the… [Read More]