Don’t Shrink Back

And if he shrinks back I will not be pleased with him.  Hebrews 10:38 NIV

Photo courtesy of morguefile and krosseel.NOT pleased with me! What a contrast to, You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased(Luke 3:22).

Pleasing God is my greatest desire, but I know I fall short—hindered by imperfect vision. In Hebrews, we read, Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. I can drive on my street in the dark because I know it so well. What I don’t know is if an animal will be standing in the road. That’s why I depend on my headlights. Our street has no lights, but my car does. So I use them. I engage them. I turn them on.

This verse is speaking of faith, and where faith is concerned Jesus exemplified it—even to death. He was not deterred by persecution. Forsaking all, He chose to trust and walk in God’s plan for all mankind.

In the same way, Jesus is our light. The world is a dark place—Satan’s domain. He likes nothing better than to see us face head-on collisions. Jesus wants to guide and deliver us safely to our destination, but we have to follow close behind him.

How do we know for sure He is out there and leading us? By faith, if we’ve chosen to follow Him. The Bible tells the story of Zacchaeus and a rich young ruler. Both had money, but one willingly gave his heart to Christ and decided to follow him while the other did not. Both were  in the presence of Christ, but one moved forward and the other shrank back.  What made the difference?

Materialism. Too much stuff can deter us from following Christ. We make idols of people or things when Jesus is the only person worthy of  worship. As we leave this holiday season behind—fondly recalling the gifts, the music, and the festivities—I pray we hold firm to the message it delivered.

Celebrate the life of Jesus. From His birth to His death to His resurrection. It’s a gift for us to open daily. Let’s not shrink back once the festivities end.

(Photo courtesy of morguefile and krosseel.)

(Devotion by Jewell Utt published 1/31/16 @